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Our School Held the 2024 Graduation Ceremony for Graduates

Shoulder the Responsibility, Set Sail in Youth

Date: Jun 26, 2024

The 2024 graduation ceremony for graduates was held at the Xilihu Campus Gymnasium.

As time flows, days and months pass swiftly. From June 26th to 28th, our school consecutively held three graduation ceremonies for the 2024 graduates at the Xilihu Campus Gymnasium on the Xili Campus. With 8,579 graduates spirited and full of achievements, they bid farewell to their university, embarking on an even brighter tomorrow!

Bags packed full, steps firm and resolute

On June 26th, the first graduation ceremony began amidst the solemn national anthem. Yang Xinbin, Secretary of the Party Committee of theuniversity, Xu Jianling, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of theuniversity, Wang Hui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Presidents Li Yue, Li Xiaoyuan, Zhang Zuotai, along with heads of various secondary colleges and functional departments, teacher representatives, graduation class counselors, alumni representatives, logistics service representatives, and the 2024 graduates attended the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Vice President Dong Chaojun.

8,579 graduates, spirited and full of achievements, bid farewell to the university.

At the graduation ceremony, the school announced this year's graduating class statistics. This year, our school has a total of 8,579 graduates. Among them, 31 students received national scholarships, and our students garnered 12 medals from international competitions such as the World Vocational College Skills Competition and the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition. They also won 59 awards at the national skills competition and 404 awards at the provincial skills competition. Additionally, they achieved 4 gold medals at the national competitionof2023 China International College Students’ Innovation Competition, and received numerous awards including the gold prize at the national competitionof13th "Challenge Cup" National College Students Entrepreneurship Competition, the gold prize at the national finalsof theinaugural National College Students Career Planning Competition, and the Special Award at the Huawei ICT Competition.

At the ceremony, the decision to commend outstanding graduates was announced. Yang Xinbin awarded the outstanding graduate representatives and took a group photo with them.

Deep gratitude to teachers, carrying hopes and aspirations

Graduate representative Wu Zehua sincerely shared his growth experience at SZPU, expressing gratitude for the nurturing from his alma mater. Teacher representative Xu Lei delivered heartfelt words to the graduates, encouraging them to be grateful, courageous in facing challenges, and enthusiastic about learning. Alumni representative Huang Jingjing recounted her journey of skill enhancement, innovation, entrepreneurship, and building self-confidence, wishing the graduates abundant academic achievements and urging them to contribute to the country’s “great cause”. Graduate representatives presented flowers to honor representativesofhardworking teachers, counselors, academic support staff, medical personnel, security team members, catering staff, residential assistants, and janitors, expressing gratitude for their dedicated efforts and steadfast guidance.

Xu Jianling delivered a speech titled “Embrace the Era, Move Forward Confidently”. On behalf of the university, he extended warm congratulations and best wishes to all graduates, hoping they continue forward confidently with courage and determination. Over the past three years, students have achieved abundant results through hard work, which serves as the strongest source of motivation in their confident lives. Over the past 30 years, from Shenzhen Polytechnic to Shenzhen Polytechnic University, the university has overcome numerous challenges on the path of innovation and development in vocational education, steadily advancing towards the grand goal of building a world-class vocational university with Chinese characteristics. In this new journey, SZPU will always be the strongest support and warmest harbor on your life's path. May the students embrace the era with greater confidence, continuing to write new chapters of glory for SZPU through their ongoing efforts.

Xu Jianling put forward three expectations for graduates: Firstly, he expects them to have a strong confidence in the era of prosperity and great prospects. He hopes that students will firmly grasp the rare opportunities created by the times, consciously integrate their personal goals into the development of the national and ethnic great cause, maintain the character of down-to-earth hard work and practical struggle, and let youth bloom brilliantly in the forging ahead. Secondly, he expects them to have confidence in their abilities to rely on skills and fully display their talents. He encourages students to regard the knowledge and skills acquired in school as valuable assets for their future lives, take solid first steps on the path to skilled expertise, and continuously enhance professional skills, striving to create a brilliant life with the mindset of a craftsman. Thirdly, he expects them to have confidence in their values as youthful individuals with wings already formed. Xu Jianling hopes that students will possess unstoppable momentum, the determination to innovate and change, and the perseverance to achieve lasting success, realizing new breakthroughs in life through overcoming challenges time and again.

An era of prosperity, a future shining brightly

The mentor congratulates the graduates.

Next, the school leaders presented graduation certificates to the graduates and took a group photo together. Clad in their new graduation gowns, the students entered one by one. They shook hands with and paid respects to the teachers who had always supported them in their studies and lives. They received their graduation certificates and professional diplomas, symbols of their efforts and achievements during their academic journey, thus marking a fulfilling conclusion to their campus life!

In the stirring song "Sing of the Motherland", the first graduation ceremony for the Class of 2024 concluded successfully. It is understood that the remaining two graduation ceremonies will be held on the 27th and 28th.

This year's graduation season at the school was themed "Shoulder the Responsibility, Set Sail in Youth", featuring a variety of thematic activities to deliver a fitting "final lesson" to all graduating students. Outside the graduation ceremony venues, each college exhibited student campus life photos, design works, and honors, showcasing the happiness, hard work, and glorious achievements during their memorable time at the university.

Throughout the graduation season, the school organized various distinctive themed activities, creating a unique graduation atmosphere for the entire Class of 2024. The Student Affairs Office hosted activities such as commendations for outstanding graduates and discussions with student representatives. The Alumni Association organized events such as the solicitation of graduation messages from the Class of 2024 and the appointment ceremony for alumni contact officers. The library hosted activities like career guidance, thematic book exhibitions, and amnesty for overdue books. The School of Electronic and Communication Engineering organized a themed event titled "Gratitude as Vast as the Sea, Graduation Messages." The School of Artificial Intelligence organized an online collection activity titled "Sending Blessings with Love! OnlineCollection for Graduation Season". The School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering hosted a "Flea Market" event for the graduation season. The School of Economics organized the "Light and Shadow Years: Graduation Memories" photography collection and exhibition. The School of Management distributed exclusive commemorative items under the theme "Youthful Dreams, Determined Endeavors". The School of Art and Design organized a graduation greeting card design activity titled "Art Towards the Past, Dreams Towards the Horizon." The School of Foreign Languages and Business hosted an experience sharing session for outstanding graduates of the Class of 2024. The School of Materials and Environmental Engineering organized the "Remembrance of Teachers' Kindness: Campus Photography Competition." The School of Construction Engineering hosted a "Capture Youthful Memories" photography flash mob. The School of Food andDrug organized a "Drifting Bookshelf" activity for the graduation season. The School of Digital Creation and Animation organized a series of screenings titled "The Light of Craftsmen in Pengcheng." The School of Automotive and Transportation Engineering hosted an event distributing exclusive commemorative items under the theme "Empowering Charge, Setting Sail." The School of Medical Technology and Nursing organized an event distributing exclusive commemorative items for graduates. The School of Vocational and Technical Education hosted the "Flowing Keys, Youth Unfading -Piano Concert for the School of Education's Graduation Season"…

Outside thegymnasium, students are checking in and taking photos.

Balloons adorned with messages of blessings are released at the venue.

Each secondary college has also carefully planned a series of activities for graduating students, including the final graduation forum, themed class meetings for graduates, and the last party lecture for graduating party members before leaving campus. These diverse and colorful activities provide graduates with an opportunity to reminisce about their past experiences and express profound gratitude and cherish for each other. With these precious memories and experiences, graduates will continue to stride forward on the path of youth, opening a new chapter in their lives.

(Student Affairs Office: Liu Kaiwei, Chen Qian / Text; Publicity Department: Zhang Lei, Campus Integrated Media Center: Lu Jiarong, Lin Huanda, Wang Yixuan, Yao Jiewen / Photos)


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