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Our University Course Recognized as a 2024 Guangdong Province Higher Education Employment and Entrepreneurship Exemplary Course

Date: Jul 5, 2024

Recently, the Department of Education of Guangdong Province issued the "Notice on the Announcement of the 2024 Guangdong Province Higher Education Employment and Entrepreneurship Exemplary Courses" (Yuejiaobihan [2024] No. 7). Our university's course "Leadership Enhancement and Team Building", led byFaculty Tong Wanting from the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, has been successfully recognized as an exemplary course for employment and entrepreneurship in the province. This selection process, open to all universities in the province, involved university applications, expert reviews, leadership group meetings, and public announcements. A total of 17 courses were selected, including 8 from vocational colleges.

"Leadership Enhancement and Team Building" is a compulsory course in our Business Management (Entrepreneurship) expansion program. The course breaks away from traditional disciplinary structures, focusing on problem-solving and following a timeline approach. In collaboration with a company boasting 18 years of corporate consulting experience, the course design addresses individual leadership skills that new entrepreneurs urgently need, such as "mental acuity," "cognitive ability," and "communication skills." It also tackles team leadership challenges by addressing difficulties in recruitment, formation, and management during the early, middle and later stages of startup development. Over seven years, the course has undergone iterative development and employs project-based integrated training, exploratory case studies, and immersive situational simulations as its teaching methods. Its construction is characterized by school-enterprise collaboration, integration of work, curriculum, and competition, and digital reform. The course has been developed into a sub-project of the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Resource Library, available on both the Smart Vocational Education and Smart Tree platforms. It is utilized by 462 institutions through the national resource library platform and has been offered seven times on the Smart Tree platform, with 35 participating schools and a total enrollment of 11,800 students.

The School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship places great emphasis on course development, using the NationalInnovation and Entrepreneurship Education Resource Library as a platform to support and encourage teachers to undergo digital transformation. The school has established the Lihu Vocational Education Innovation and Entrepreneurship International Virtual Teaching and Research Office, which conducts regular academic discussions to enhance teachers' instructional capabilities. The school will continue to deepen its teaching exploration and innovation, constantly improve course quality, promptly summarize work outcomes, extract valuable experiences, highlight unique features, and develop more exemplary courses in innovation and entrepreneurship.

(School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education Teaching and Research Office)


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