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School of Digital Creation and Animation Held a Cooperation and Exchange Meeting with a Delegation of Friendly City in Italy

Date: Dec 7, 2023

On December 7, a total of 9 SZPU representatives, including Nie Zhe, Member of Party Committee & Dean of School of Digital Creation and Animation, Yang Congkun, Deputy Director of International Office, Li Zhi and Tan Xin, Deputy Deans of School of Digital Creation and Animation, etc., held a cooperation and exchange meeting with a delegation of Puglia Division in Italy at Mingde Building.

Before the meeting, the delegation from Puglia visited the training room of the School of Digital Creation and Animation, showed strong interest in the digital art works created by the teachers and students of the school, and spoke highly of them. The meeting focused on the two themes, i.e. the “workshop” with the University of Bari andthe Puglia Division for exchanges of teachers and students; and the discussion of cultural theater performance activities. First of all, Nie Zhe discussed the specific direction and process of cooperation with the University of Bari on the matter of “student exchange and credit transfer”, and put forward cooperation suggestions on the cultural performance activities proposed by the Puglia Division. He proposed to carry out the “workshop” in the corresponding discipline and major in each school of the university. In the end, the two sides expressed full sincerity and good will for the cooperation and exchange of teachers and students.

International exchange serves as a bridge to promote innovation and knowledge dissemination, which is conducive to the expansion of cultural exchange and diversified vision of the two sides. This exchange meeting reflects the great importance and positive cooperation spirit of our school to the international exchange work. In the future, we will organize and promote the work in an orderly manner, and strive to achieve the expected results thereof. (Zhang Yanni, School of Digital Creation and Animation)


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