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SZPU Signed an Agreement with INP-HB to Build a TVET Training Center

Date: Nov 29, 2023

The signing ceremony was held at Conference Room 101 in Mingde Building

On November 28, the signing ceremony for an agreement between SZPU and INP-HB to build a TVET training center was held at Conference Room 101 in Mingde Building. INP-HB PresidentMoussa DIABY and Vice PresidentGeorges LOUM, SZPU Party Secretary Yang Xinbin and President Xu Jianling, and other related leaders attended the ceremony.

Xu Jianling said that in order to promote exchanges and cooperation in the field of vocational education under the framework of FOCAC, the Ministry of Education of the PRC has implemented the “Future Africa - China-Africa Applied Talents Joint Training Program” since 2021, aiming to train applied talents that meet the needs of Africa’s economic and social development. SZPU and INP-HB have been selected into the first pilot colleges and universities for this program. Based on the good foundation of cooperation between SZPU and INP-HB, the two sides have agreed to jointly build a TVET training center, which is an important milestone of the partnership between the two universities, and another vivid practice of jointly building a vocational education community in response to the “Belt and Road” Initiative, adding new connotations to China-Cote d’Ivoire friendly cooperation with practical actions.

DIABY said that INP-HB is one of the best local institutions of higher learning in Cote d’Ivoire. Since its inception, INP-HB has been committed to cultivating high-level talents for Cote d’Ivoire, known as “the cradle of national leaders in Cote d’Ivoire”. It attaches great importance to the international development, and hopes to improve the quality of talent training and enhance the international level through cooperation with outstanding colleges and universities at home and abroad. The TVET training center to be built represents a further deepening of the cooperation between the two sides, and on that basis, the two sides are expected to make continued efforts to expand the areas of cooperation, innovate the ways of cooperation and enrich the connotations of cooperation.

It is reported that SZPU has established 9 overseas vocational education and training centers in Malaysia, Bulgaria, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, Brazil and other countries, and has conducted more than 20 vocational and technical skills training and 4 sessions of Chinese language training courses, and trained more than 350 local teachers and students in total. The TVET training center to be built jointly with INP-HB is the 10th overseas vocational education and training center established by our university. The two sides will use the center as a platform to carry out in-depth cooperation in the fields of joint talent training, curriculum standards development, teacher training and scientific research cooperation.

(Li Simin, International Office)


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