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SZPU and ITE Held a Signing Ceremony for Cooperation Agreement

Date: Nov 27, 2023

The signing ceremony was held at the Vocational Education Park in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area

On November 27, Shenzhen Polytechnic University (“SZPU”) and Institute of Technical Education (“ITE”) held a signing ceremony at the Vocational Education Park in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. SZPU President Xu Jianling and ITE President Lu Qiaoyu attended the ceremony and delivered speeches respectively. The ceremony was chaired by SZPU Vice President Li Yue.

A memorandum of understanding on cooperation was signed with ITE

Under the principle of “complementary advantages, mutual benefit and common development”, the two sides of this signing activity will actively explore cooperation in the field of vocational education, co-build workshops, share excellent teaching resources, and carry out short-term and long-term teacher-student exchange and cooperation programs, so as to enhance cooperation between the two sides in the field of vocational education.

In his speech, Xu Jianling first extended a warm welcome to the guests. He introduced the university’s basic overview, running characteristics, school-enterprise cooperation, overseas cooperation and the pace of “going global”. He looked forward to various forms of cooperation between the two sides in respect of mutual visits of teachers and students, sharing of educational resources, building vocational education and training centers, joint scientific research projects, cultural and language exchanges, etc., in order to promote the upgrading and development of higher learning and vocational education in China and Singapore.

ITE President Lu Qiaoyu expressed her appreciation for the warm reception and spoke highly of our educational standards. She reviewed the history of cooperation between ITE and SZPU and looked forward to more practical cooperation with our university in the future.

Afterwards, Chi Ruinan, Deputy Dean of School of Artificial Intelligence, and Professor Wang Longjie from School of Electronic and Communication Engineering introduced the general situation and discipline development of each school respectively. The two sides conducted in-depth and detailed discussions on how to improve the quality of education and teaching in an era of artificial intelligence. In a warm atmosphere, both sides actively spoke and expressed their opinions.

Also present at the meeting were He Songlian, Director of Policy Department for Polytechnics and Institutes of Technology of the Ministry of Education in Singapore; Wang Yuande, Vice President of ITE; Ye Zhaoming, Director of East Division of ITE; Xiao Cuiyun, Director of West Division of ITE; Wang Bingfeng, Director of International Office of SZPU; Chi Ruinan, Deputy Dean of School of Artificial Intelligence, etc. (Xia Jingyi, International Office)


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