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SZPU Held 2023 “SUISF Scholarship” Award Ceremony

Date: Oct 25, 2023

On October 25, SZPU held the 2023 “SUISF Scholarship” Award Ceremony in Mingde Building. Vice President Li Yue attended the ceremony and presented awards to international students. Wang Bingfeng, Director of International Office, all the teachers of Chinese as a foreign language and 12 representatives of international students attended the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Li Yue, as a director of Shenzhen Universiade International Scholarship Foundation (SUISF), introduced the basic situation of SUISF scholarships. This year, SUISF awarded 171 students, including 16 international students from our university. She said that it was a great pleasure to hand out this scholarship to the outstanding international students of our university. Meanwhile, she expressed congratulations to the international students who won the scholarship and hoped that the students would continue to study hard and act as ambassadors of friendship between China and other countries.

Two outstanding award-winning students, Dina and Aich, delivered acceptance speeches on behalf of the award-winning students.They expressed gratitude to SUISF, SZPU and the teachers, and said that winning the award gave them great motivation, and they would study harder for professional knowledge and excellent Chinese culture, constantly improve themselves, and lay a good foundation for their academic and career development in the future.

After the ceremony, the teachers present communicated with the students kindly, and expressed the hope that the students could study hard, continue to improve their Chinese language and professional level, deepen their understanding of Chinese culture, and strive to make greater contributions to promoting the economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. (Zou Geng, International Office)


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