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Fang Jun, Deputy Director of International Department of Ministry of Education, Visited SZPU for Research on International Work

Date: Sep 25, 2023

On September 22, a delegation led by Fang Jun, Deputy Director of International Department of Ministry of Education & First-Level Inspector, and Zhou Guoping, Deputy Director of Cooperation and Exchange Office, Department of Education of Guangdong Province, visited our university. SZPU Party Secretary Yang Xinbin, President Xu Jianling and Vice President Dong Chaojun accompanied the visit.

At the meeting, Xu Jianling introduced the school-running situation of the university in detail to the research team, with focus on sharing the “nine common activities” dual education model and the future development orientation of Shenzhen Polytechnic University. Then, the persons in charge of the International Office and the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering reported the progress of our international construction and the launch of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong advanced diploma in the “Electrical Service Engineering” joint training program respectively.

Fang Jun fully affirmed our achievements made in the internationalization construction over recent years, and pointed out the development path for our university from aspects of high-quality talent training, Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools, cross-border exchanges between teachers and students, and school-enterprise cooperation in “going global”. He said that SZPT’s development has now entered a new stage, and the university should actively integrate into the national development strategy, strengthen the cooperation with world-class vocational education resources, and concentrate on creating international development projects with the university’s distinctive characteristics. Meanwhile, the university should continue to consolidate the foundation of international education, constantly improve the corresponding management system, enhance the international education and teaching level of all schools, enrich the connotation of international project construction, and tell China’s story in the world vocational education field.

After the meeting, the research team also visited Hoffmann Institute of Advanced Materials, Huawei ICT Academy, Han’s Laser Academy and Vocational Education Park in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and learned in detail about our achievements in scientific research introduction, school-enterprise cooperation and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao vocational education linkage.

(Feng Xing, International Office)


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