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SZPU and NP in 2023

Date: Sep 23, 2023

On September 11-23, a total of 48 teachers and students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) participated in a two-week cultural training program at our university.

In the morning of September 12, the opening ceremony of the exchange camp was held. Yang Congkun, Deputy Director of International Office, attended the opening ceremony and on behalf of SZPU, warmly welcomed the teachers and students from Singapore. In her speech, Guo Meifen, Senior Manager of School of Information and Communication Technology in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, thanked our university for making thoughtful arrangements and hoped to deepen the understanding between the young people of the two universities and deepen the friendship between the two sides.

During the two-week period, NP teachers and students visited Shenzhen Qianhai Exhibition Hall, Qianhai Youth Entrepreneurship Dream Factory, Lianhuashan Park, Tencent Company, Guanlan Print Village, Dapeng Ancient City, and Splendid China, and also participated in a series of activities prepared by our teachers such as “Chinese Culture Knowledge” lecture, “Chinese Kung Fu Experience”, etc. The Singaporean students who participated in the activities said that they liked the international city atmosphere and convenient lifestyle of Shenzhen very much, and hoped to have the opportunity to conduct long-term study and exchanges in SZPU.

In the afternoon of September 22, the International Office held the closing ceremony at the Mingde Building, in which a video review of the whole exchange camp activity scenario was made, and the student representatives shared their feelings and thoughts with everyone. The students all said that they enjoyed the camp and refreshed their knowledge of Shenzhen, and that they would share this experience with their families and friends after they returned. Yang Congkun made a concluding speech, saying that although the camp was over, it was a new beginning for all participants - a beginning for the students to get to know each other; and a new starting point for the understanding of China’s economic development and reform & opening up. He hoped this camp will serve as a bond of friendship and a platform for communication, so as to build consensus and form synergy.

The success of the activity has enhanced the exchanges and friendship between the students of NP and SZPU, and also set up a platform for the exchanges between teachers and students of the two universities. Many of the students left tears when they said goodbye, and said that they will definitely visit Shenzhen again in the future. (Xia Jingyi, International Office)


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