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Shenzhen Polytechnic University (SZPU) and Guangxi Modern Polytechnic College Sign a New Round of Pairing Assistance Agreement

Date: Apr 12, 2024

On April 9th, to further deepen and implement the educational collaboration between Guangdong and Guangxi, SZPU signed a new round of pairing assistance agreement with Guangxi Modern Polytechnic College. The ceremony was attended by distinguished leaders such as Liu Zhanshan, former Deputy Director of the Department of Vocational and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education; Ge Weiwei, former first-level inspector of the Department of Minority Education of the Ministry of Education; Wu Yanling, second-level inspector of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province; Kong Xianling, Director of the Hechi City Propaganda Department; Wei Weisong, Party Secretary of Guangxi Modern Polytechnic College; Huang Shaoguang, President of Guangxi Modern Polytechnic College; and Xu Jianling, President of SZPU.

The scene of the signing ceremony.

At the signing ceremony, both parties signed theGuangdong-Guangxi Vocational Colleges Pairing Assistance Work Agreement. Over the next three years, the two institutions will engage in counterpart cooperation in areas such as curriculum and professional group development, cadre exchanges, faculty development, enhancement of international education standards, and the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents.

President Xu Jianling remarked that since the signing of the counterpart cooperation agreement in 2019, the two schools have maintained close contact and frequent in-depth interactions, building a strong friendship. Over the past five years, Guangxi Modern Polytechnic College has achieved remarkable results in professional development, integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation, and teaching achievements. Notably, in 2022, it passed the first batch of “double high” assessments in Guangxi with an “excellent” rating and was reselected last year for the new batch of “double high” institutions in the autonomous region. As a Special Economic Zone university, under the strong leadership of the local committees and governments of both regions, SZPU will plan meticulously, consult fully, focus on key points, and deliver precise efforts witha sense of responsibility and asense of mission of “being grateful for the reform and opening up and repaying the people of the country”. Together with Guangxi Modern Polytechnic College, we aim to achieve notable results and highlights in the development of vocational education cooperation between Guangdong and Guangxi.

Subsequently, president Xu Jianling delivered a special report at the exchange meeting on forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation in vocational colleges in ethnic areas and visited our school’s seconded officials. The heads of the Pairing Support Office and the School Union participated in the event.

(Pairing Support Office, Feng Min)


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