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SZPU Holds an Online Working Meeting with the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications

Date: Dec 18, 2023

On December 18th, SZPU held an online working meeting with the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (hereinafter referred to as the "HKCAAVQ"). Participants in the meeting included theHKCAAVQ's Deputy Executive Director Chiu Sau Mee, SZPU's Vice President Li Yue, the Director of the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Affairs Office Wang Bingfeng, and the Deputy Dean of the School of Electromechanical Engineering Wang Wenbin.

Vice President Li Yue expressed it was a great honor to share SZPU's experiences in developing professional standards, industry standards, and vocational qualification standards with the HKCAAVQ. She hoped that through in-depth exchanges and discussions, both sides could jointly explore a more scientific, reasonable path that aligns with international practices for the formulation of professional, industry, and vocational qualification standards, and take more pragmatic measures to support the high-quality development of vocational education in both Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

On behalf of the HKCAAVQ, Chiu Sau Mee thanked SZPU for its sharing. She mentioned that the HKCAAVQ is currently drafting standards for the recognition of professional, industry, and vocational qualifications. As vocational education cooperation with the mainland becomes increasingly close, the HKCAAVQ hopes to learn from the mainland's experiences and practices to further promote cooperation in the qualifications framework between Guangdong and Hong Kong, and to facilitate talent exchange and mutual recognition of learning outcomes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Subsequently, the two sides had specific discussions on professional standards, industry standards, vocational qualification certification, and the 1+X certificate system.

Representatives such as theHKCAAVQ's Deputy Head and Registrar Helen YAU, Registrar Cheung Sze Man, Tsai Huet Ching, Wong Bok Man, Zhu Yongshuang from SZPU's School of Communication Engineering, Chen Hong from the Academic Affairs Office, and Yi Xiaoming from the School of Continuing Education and Training attended the meeting. (Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Affairs Office, Li Simin)


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