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SZPU Successfully Hosts the First Principal's Teaching Quality Award Competition

Date: Jan 4, 2024

Group Photo with Judgesand Contestants

On January 3rd, the first on-site competition for the Principal's Teaching Quality Award at Shenzhen Polytechnic University was held in Conference Room No.1 of Tongde Building at the Liuxiandong campus. President Xu Jianling and nearly a hundred new teachers who joined in 2023 attended to observe. Vice President Li Yue led the panel of in-house experts as judges, with the Director of the Quality Assurance Center, Wu Yun Gao Wa, presiding.

The competition was divided into individual and team events. The four teachers and six teams that made it to the finals took turns on stage to deliver lectures and report on teaching practices. During the defense session, contestants shared their understanding and practices, discussing educational philosophies, digital literacy, teaching evaluation reform, and teaching methods, drawing on their teaching experience.

During the master teacher comments section, Xie Lijuan, a Distinguished Teacher under the National "Ten Thousand Talents Program", and Liu Hongyan, a National-Level Distinguished Teacher, provided their critiques of the competition. Xie Lijuan expressed that she could genuinely sense the strong academic and research atmosphere of the institution and the contestants' complete dedication during the evaluation process. She encouraged everyone to foster an emotional connection with students and to achieve comprehensive outcomes in teaching. Liu Hongyan observed that every course demonstrated in the competition was the result of years of accumulation, showcasing the results of curriculum reform and the exploration of innovative methods, with distinct features. She also highlighted the need for more focused approaches during the defense sessions, urging the teachers present to continually reflect on and summarize their teaching experiences to improve their teaching skills.

In the tense and exciting atmosphere of the event, Li Yue announced the final rankings and scores of the first Principal's Teaching Quality Award. The individual competition rankings were: Sun Haiyan, Chen Haisong, Cheng Lvsha, and Jiang Xiaohua; team competition rankings were: Song Zhendong (Wang Wenbin, Zhao Wei, Bao Danyang) team, Tian Hongmei (Cao Yulin, Wu Xiaojing, Yang Weimin) team, Li Yan (Tang Jiamei, Wang Ting, Xiao Zhengxing) team, Lou Jie (Pei Xi, Liu Yaqian, Deng Lingzhao) team, Ma Chunhua (Wang Ronghua, Xu Chen, Gong Xue) team, Zhang Kai (Song Heran, Pan Hao, Liang Songfeng) team.

Finally, Li Yue made a concluding speech. Starting with the words "success", "touching", and "hope", she talked about the new team competition added to the selection of the new Principal's Teaching Quality Award. Many aspects of the competition were aligned with the national teaching capability competition for teachers, combining training with competition, and using the competition to drive training. The combination of new and veteran teachers in teams demonstrated the vitality of the teaching staff and their professional spirit of striving for excellence and pursuing greatness. She expressed her hope that on the journey of building the vocational undergraduate education at the school, new teachers would deeply understand the essence of vocational education, thoroughly research teaching methods, dare to innovate, and achieve an enhancement in teaching capabilities.

It is reported that the selection process for the first Principal's Teaching Quality Award went through the first round of individual applications, school review and recommendation, information verification, expert review, and public display, and the second round of teaching selection combined with information review for comprehensive assessment and public display, with the final 10 groups of contestants entering this on-site teaching competition. The prize money for the competition was supported by the school's Education Foundation.

(Quality Assurance Center, Bai Yang)


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