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SZPU Leaders Invited to Attend the First World Chinese Language Conference

Date: Nov 11, 2023

On December 7-9, the first World Chinese Language Conference was held in Beijing. At the invitation of the Sino-Foreign Language Exchange and Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Education, SZPU President Xu Jianling attended the conference andchaired the Parallel Forum on the Integration of “Chinese Language + Vocational Skills”. In the special forum of the Global Chinese Language Alliance Conference, SZPU was awarded the title of “Gold Partner for Digital Education of Chinese Language Alliance”.

The Parallel Forum on the Integration of “Chinese Language + Vocational Skills” focused on the construction of international digital resources of “Chinese Language + Vocational Education” and the sharing of international cooperation cases of “Chinese Language + Vocational Education”. A total of 15 guests from foreign education authorities, embassies in China, Chinese-funded enterprises and domestic vocational colleges delivered wonderful speeches. Xu Jianling shared SZPU’s experience in building overseas vocational education training centers and international vocational education platforms, participating in global vocational education governance, and working with enterprises “going global” to carry out international vocational skills training. He said that the parallel forum shared the practice and experience of international cooperation in vocational education, and explored new paths and trends for future development. It is hoped that in the new era and along the new journey in the future, through exchanges and mutual learning, Chinese and foreign forces will be pooled to further drive the “school-enterprise cooperation for going global together”, and jointly promote the construction of a new pattern for high-quality development of “Chinese Language + Vocational Skills”.

It is reported that with the theme of “Serving the world with Chinese language, and leading the future with openness”, the first World Chinese Language Conference was hosted by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, and co-organized by the Sino-Foreign Language Exchange and Cooperation Center, the Chinese International Education Foundation and the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching. About 2,000 persons attended the conference, including leaders of more than 160 government agencies, education authorities, international organizations and international language and cultural institutions, university presidents, well-known Chinese language education experts, sinologists, diplomatic envoys in China, and representatives of Chinese language education institutions (enterprises). More than 10 international forums and educational exhibitions were held during the conference, such as the Global Chinese Language Alliance Conference, the Confucius Institute Development Forum, the Academic Annual Conference of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, and the Parallel Forum on the Integration of “Chinese Language + Vocational Skills”, where the guests had discussions on the new achievements, new demands and new hotspots of language education and mutual learning of civilizations, Sino-foreign educational exchanges and cooperation, vocational education for Chinese language service, and digital development of Chinese language education, gathering Chinese and foreign forces to jointly promote the construction of a new pattern for the high-quality development of international Chinese language education.

(Wang Jun, International Office)


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