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Online Training Courses of SZPU Overseas Vocational Education and Training Center Concluded Successfully

Date: Nov 24, 2023

On November 13-24, the School of Undergraduate Education and the School of Electronic and Communication Engineering jointly conducted five sessions of online training courses for the Overseas Vocational Education and Training Center co-built by SZPU and Plovdiv University in Bulgaria. A total of 55 teachers and students from Plovdiv University in Bulgaria participated in the training.

The five sessions of online training courses included “5G Bearer Network”, “Development and Application of 5G Technology”, “5G Network Architecture and Evolution”, “6G Wireless Communication”, “Smart City” and other cutting-edge contents. The School of Undergraduate Education and the School of Electronic and Communication Engineering attached great importance by selecting excellent teachers such as Deputy Dean Wang Yongxue, Zheng Zhihua, Li Yingying and Zhang Yalin to take charge of the teaching work, who prepared a wealth of English teaching resources and practical application cases.

Professor Nadezhda Kafadarova, Dean of School of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Plovdiv University in Bulgaria, expressed her sincere gratitude to our university for the well-prepared online training courses. She said that the development of modern communication technology in China has been in the forefront of the world, and the five sessions of courses gave the students an opportunity to learn about the latest development direction of technology and successful cases, which is greatly conducive to their future study, and she hoped that relevant training courses would continue.

At present, SZPU has established nine overseas vocational education and training centers as well as language and culture centers in Malaysia, Bulgaria, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Finland and other countries. We use the overseas vocational education and training center as a platform to provide Chinese language and professional training for teachers and students of overseas cooperative colleges and universities. The School of Electronic and Communication Engineering has conducted modern communication technology training for overseas teachers and students for six consecutive years, and has trained more than 200 teachers and students in total. (Li Simin, International Office)


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