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The 2nd Carnival for Taiwan Teachers and Students in Shenzhen Colleges and Universities was Launched at SZPU

​Integrating the two sides of the Straits to create a better future

Date: Nov 13, 2023

The 2nd Carnival for Taiwan Teachers and Students in Shenzhen Colleges and Universities in 2023 was launched at SZPU

On November 12, the 2nd Carnival for Taiwan Teachers and Students in Shenzhen Colleges and Universitiesin 2023 was launched at our university. Huang Wentao, Director of Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and Exchange Bureau of Taiwan Affairs Office of State Council, Lian Shengwu, Executive Director of Cross-Strait Peace and Development Foundation, Wang Daping, Vice Chairman of the Shenzhen People’s Political Consultative Conference, Zheng Chongyang, Director of Shenzhen Taiwan Affairs Office, and Yang Xinbin, Secretary of Party Committee of SZPU, as well as more than 100 representatives of teachers and students from 9 colleges and universities across the Taiwan Straits participated in the event.

The theme of the event is “Integrating the two sides of the Straits to create a better future”

With the theme of “Integrating the two sides of the Straits to create a better future”, the event aimed to promote exchanges and interactions of Taiwan teachers and students in colleges and universities in Shenzhen, enhance their mutual understanding, and help them pursue, build and realize their dreams in the process of participating in the high-quality development of the Mainland, and inject youthful vitality into the peaceful development of cross-straits relations.

At the launching ceremony, SZPU Vice President Li Yue delivered a welcoming speech. She said that since its inception in 1993, SZPU has established sister-school relations with Taipei University of Technology, and is one of the first higher vocational colleges in the Mainland to establish friendly cooperative relations with Taiwan institutions of higher learning. SZPU has so far signed cooperation agreements with 28 colleges and universities in Taiwan. In addition, the Cross-Strait Higher Vocational Education Seminar established by the universityin collaboration with other colleges and universities across the Straits has been held for 23 consecutive sessions, which has effectively facilitated all-round and multi-level cooperation among vocational (vocational) and technical institutions across the Straits in respect of teaching, research, and exchanges between teachers and students, and has played an important role in cross-straits educational and cultural exchanges. It is hoped that this event will provide a platform for the invited Taiwan teachers and students to know and understand Shenzhen, promote the exchanges between the young people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and help the Taiwan teachers and students working and studying in Shenzhen to further enhance their sense of integration and belonging.

This carnival invited a number of teachers and students from three universities in Taiwan for the first time to participate in the event

It is worth mentioning that this carnival invited a number of teachers and students from three universities in Taiwan for the first time to participate in the event. They will immerse themselves in the economic, social and cultural development of the Mainland, experience the common historical roots and blood genes of the two sides, and at the same time, enhance understanding in the communication with the young people in the Mainland. In this regard, Lian Shengwu said in his speech that this is a highlight of the event, which can help Taiwan teachers and students learn about Shenzhen’s cultural history and scientific and technological innovation. It is believed that through this event, teachers and students on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can narrow the distance between each other, enhance mutual understanding, strengthen interactions and exchanges, and move forward toward the goal of common progress and prosperity.

After that, Lin Zejian, an outstanding graduate of our university, shared the scene of his visit to Taiwan in 2016 to participate in the cross-straits seminar. “The experience left me with a very deep and fond memory,” he said. The communication with Taiwan teachers and students was very smooth, and I also learned a rigorous academic attitude from Taiwan students. My peers in Taiwan also shared the fine food with us, and we got along very happily. In this event, we get together again, and will plant more seeds of friendship.”

Wu Yijun, a Taiwanese student from Shenzhen Graduate School of Peking University, said that she attended the first carnival and made good friends from all walks of life, which was good for broadening his horizons. “The carnival provides a great opportunity for us to learn about the cultures and customs of different places, develop an international mindset, and build bridges of friendship and communication,” Wu said. She said that as a student of Taiwanese nationality studying in Shenzhen, she hoped that through the event, Taiwanese teachers and students can gain a deeper understanding of the unique charm of Shenzhen and even the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

At the ceremony, the students of our university performed dances, magic tricks, guzheng and other programs, which showed the profound cultural heritage and ethnic customs, highlighted the youth and vitality of young people, and also showed the theme ofthe bloodline of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Subsequently, the leaders and guests who attended the ceremony jointly pressed the start button to officially announce the launch of the 2nd Carnival for Taiwan Teachers and Students in Shenzhen Colleges and Universities.

The carnival consisted of field study, visit experience, bonfire party, sharing meeting and other wonderful activities

SZPU Vice President Li Yue stated in an interview that the university has more than 90 majors, all of which are open to students from Taiwan. Taiwan students are welcome to Shenzhen and SZPU. This year, SZPU volunteered to organize the 2nd Carnival for Taiwan Teachers and Students in Shenzhen Colleges and Universities, hoping to provide students from both sides with academic, cultural and scientific research exchanges effectively.

During the 4-day event, young friends from both sides of the Taiwan Straits will visit Shenzhen Reform and Opening Up Exhibition Center, Qianhai Dream Workers, 24-History Academy, Shenzhen DaZhiWuJiang Technology Co., Ltd. and other places to deeply feel the spirit and vitality of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

(Office of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs)


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