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First Ones! Shenzhen Municipal Industry-Education Consortium Led by SZPU Selected into the List of Municipal Industry-Education Consortia in China

Date: Oct 17, 2023

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education announced the list of the first 28 municipal industry-education consortia in China. Shenzhen Municipal Industry-Education Consortium, with Shenzhen Polytechnic University as the lead college, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. as the lead enterprise, and Shenzhen High-Tech Industrial Park as the support park, was successfully selected into the list.

According to reports, Shenzhen Municipal Industry-Education Consortium is mainly composed of government functions including Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Human Resources Security Bureau, etc.; district governments including Nanshan, Bao’an, Longgang, Pingshan, Longhua etc.; 31 benchmarking enterprises including BYD, Tencent etc.; 14 junior, higher and undergraduate colleges including Shenzhen University; 10 research institutions including CAS Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, etc.; and several associations including Shenzhen Lithium Battery Industry Association, Shenzhen Institute of Electronics, etc.

As the core content of the “Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Construction of Modern Vocational Education System”, the construction of municipal industry-education consortium is an important measure to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, and enhance the adaptability and attractiveness of vocational education; an important way to deepen the integration of industry and education, and serve regional economic development; and an important carrier to promote the close integration of education chain, talent chain, industrial chain and innovation chain.

In the future, Shenzhen Municipal Industry-Education Consortium will closely connect with the national major strategy and Shenzhen’s “20+8” industrial cluster, and based on the overall requirement of “national urgent need, world class, advanced system and outstanding contribution”, relying on the national high-tech industrial park, focusing on deepening the integration of industry and education, and with boosting the cooperation of secondary vocational education and regular high school education as the key, and promoting the integration of science and education as the new direction, the cooperation of the government, enterprises, schools, scientific research institutions, industry associations and other parties as the path, and the innovation of systems and mechanisms for the integration of industry and education as the guarantee, comprehensively explore the industry-education consortium construction mode of promoting production through education, driving education through production, integration of industry and education, and industry-academy cooperation, striving to build a pilot field for the integration of industry and education and the innovation of mechanisms for the integration of science and education as well as the integration of science and education ; a pilot area for the training of technical skills talents; a demonstration zone for breaking through the “bottleneck” technology; and a bridgehead for the integration of science and education resources between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

(Jiang Tao, Office of Academic Affairs)


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