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School of Smart Finance and Economics to be Set Up by SZPU jointly with Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Seentao Technology Co., Ltd.

Date: Sep 28, 2023

Themeeting was held in Conference Room 1 of Tongde Building

On September 26, SZPU signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Seentao Technology Co., Ltd. in order to jointly set up a School of Smart Finance and Economics and a Technology R&D Center for Smart Finance and Economics, and build a new talent training base integrating talent training, scientific research, technological innovation and enterprise service, so as to promote the smart-oriented transformation of the accounting industry.

The signing ceremony was held in Conference Room 1, Tongde Building, Liuxiandong Campus. The persons who attended the ceremony included: Chen Qiangbing, Chairman & President of Seentao Technology Co., Ltd.; Zhang Jixiong, Vice President of Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.; Wang Hua, former President of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics; Zhan Guanpeng, Director of Accounting Department of Shenzhen Municipal Finance Bureau; Cheng Qingqing, President of Shenzhen Accounting Association; Xu Jianling, President of Shenzhen Polytechnic University; Zhang Zuotai, Vice President of Shenzhen Polytechnic University, etc. The ceremony was chaired by Wang Ying, Dean of School of Economics.

In his speech, Zhang Zuotai pointed out the necessity, importance and feasibility of integrating intelligent elements into vocational education of accounting, with focus on sharing the efforts and achievements made by our university in the intelligent transformation of accounting, and invited experts to deeply discuss the opportunities and challenges of majors in smart finance and economics in the economic and social development, and actively provide new ideas and new methods for the high-quality development of the accounting industry.

Subsequently, our university signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Seentao Technology Co., Ltd., and the three parties jointly unveiled the School of Smart Finance and Economics and the Technology R&D Center for Smart Finance and Economics. According to the agreement, the three parties will carry out in-depth cooperation in the fields of talent training, technology research and product development, and further promote the integration of industry and education as well as science and education. It is expected that more than 300 talents will be trained within five years; and a service platform will be developed to promote the localization of enterprise management systems and realize the joint construction, sharing and win-win results of talent training.

The leaders and guests unveiled theSchool of Smart Finance and Economics and the Technology R&D Center for Smart Finance and Economics

On the same day, a high-end academic forum on teaching of smart finance and economics was also held. The forum was chaired by Professor Zhang Weidong, former Dean of School of Accounting in Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. Professor Qu Xiaohui from Xiamen University, Professor Lin Bin from Sun Yat-sen University, Professor Zhang Dunli, Dean of School of Accounting in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Professor. Xin Qingquan, Director of Accounting Department in Chongqing University, Professor Li Qingyuan, Director of Institute of Finance and Accounting in Wuhan University, gave wonderful speeches respectively with such themes as the theoretical analysis on teaching of smart accounting, the development of management accounting cases and courses under smart finance and economics, the reform and innovation of accounting talent training in the smart era, the training of first-class accounting talents under the background of new scientific and technological revolution, and the thought on accounting talent training under the background of modern information technology, which provided new perspectives for improving the teaching and academic level and talent training quality of smart finance and economics.

During the seminar, experts and scholars fully discussed the big data and accounting research, the improvement of teaching and academic level and other related issues to actively explore new paradigms of accounting development based on smart technology, and establish a smart-oriented concept of accounting talent training, searching new paths for talents of smart finance and economics in China’s higher vocational education.

(Jia Mo, School of Economics)


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