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Sino-German Center Released a Translation of “Annual Report 2022 on German Vocational Education Data”

Date: Apr 11, 2023

On April 11, Sino-German Higher Vocational Education Innovation Center (the “Sino-German Center”) officiallyreleased a translation of “Annual Report 2022 on German Vocational Education Data - Vocational Education Development Information and Analysis” (the “Report”), which is used as an open academic resource in the form of knowledge sharing for publication on the vocational education research column of Sino-German Center’s WeChat official account platform; meanwhile, the Center will offer printed copies for relevant functional departments and secondary schools of SZPT to provide first-hand data for comparative research onhigher vocational education.

On November 7, 2022, Bundesinstitut Für Berufsbildung (BIBB) released a “German Vocational Education Data Report 2022 - Vocational Education Development Information and Analysis” to make comprehensive statistics and analysis on the development of the German vocational education market in 2021, and use detailed data for comparison with the vocational education market in 2019 and 2020. Composed of four modules, i.e. vocational training indicator, vocational continuing education indicator, professional talents and skilled immigrants, and vocational education internationalization, the Report summarizes the vocational education participation, supply and demand matching, number of vocational education enterprises, modernization of training professions and other aspects over the years in Germany.

The Report, which has been released upon survey each year by BIBB since 2009,servesas an important information source and data support to assist the German Federal Ministry of Education in making decisions. The Sino-German Center has translated,reviewed and edited the Report, providing internal reference materials of German vocational education for the departments of SZPT. Based on the data fromthe Report,further research on German vocational educationwill also be conducted to form an annual research report forthe department, providing new ideas for exploring the undergraduate development path of vocational education. (Huang Qingyu, International Office)


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