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The “Integrated Circuit Development and Application” Segment of 2022-2023 Guangdong Vocational College Students Professional Skills Competition Concluded Successfully

Date: Apr 14, 2023

On April 11-12, the “Integrated Circuit Development and Application” Segment of 2022-2023 Guangdong Vocational College Students Professional Skills Competition, sponsored by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, was held successfully in the gymnasium of Xilihu Campus at SZPT. This segment attracted 54 teams of 162 contestants from 29 vocational colleges across the province, which was the largest scale in the history of this segment in Guangdong Province. After fierce competition, the two teams composed of Xu Jiaxiang,ZhouQuantao and Chen Jia instructed by the teachers Huang Qinjin and Yang Li, and of Zeng Xueye, Zeng Jiabin and Zheng Xiexhuang instructed by the teachers Wen Guozhong and Tang Yanbin, won the first and fourth place respectively, both of which were the first prize.

On April 11, the opening ceremony of this segment was held in the lecture hall of Guanlongshan Campus. Song Rong, Dean of the School of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Xia Minlei, Associate Professor of Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering and head of the judge panel of this segment, Zhan Huaqun, Deputy Dean of School of Communication and Electronics of Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University and head of the arbitration panel of this segment, and Shen Xizhou, Deputy Director of Public Course Teaching Department of Guangdong Polytechnic and inspector of this segment, attended the opening ceremony, which was chaired by Wang Longjie, Deputy Dean of School of Electronic and Communication Engineering.

On behalf of SZPT, Song Rong warmly welcomed all the guests and participants attending the opening ceremony, and extended sincere greetings to the leaders at all levels who came to guide this segment. He pointed out that integrated circuit, as the core of the modern information technology industry, has become a fundamental, guiding and strategic sector related to the overall development of national economy and society, and plays an extensive and important role in promoting national economic development and social progress, improving people’s living standards and safeguarding national security. “Integrated Circuit Development and Application”, designed totests participants' abilities in integrated circuit chip development and application, builds a bridge for the communication between the industrial demand and the teaching of colleges and universities, which is of great significance to meet the rapid growth of demand for IC talents in the electronic information industry and promote the society’s understanding of IC technology-related vocational positions.

Under the meticulous preparation of the School of Integrated Circuit and the cooperation of various departments of SZPT, the work was carried out in an orderly manner and completed smoothly, which won the unanimous praise of the expert judges, participating colleges and competition supervisors.

(Zeng Hongru, School of Electronic and Communication Engineering)


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