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SZPT Signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra

Date: Mar 24, 2023

The signing ceremony ofstrategic cooperation between SZPT and Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra was held in Mingde Building, Liuxiandong Campus

On March 23, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between SZPT and Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra was held in Mingde Building, Liuxiandong Campus. Nie Bing, Head of Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra and a national first-class performer, Xu Jianling, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee & President of SZPT, and other relevant leaders attended the ceremony. The event was chaired by Wang Hui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee & Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of SZPT.

Nie Bing said that music and art carry people’s yearning for a better life, inspire science, and enlighten the future. To fully implement the spirit of the Party’s 20thNational Congress, and train socialist builders with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor education, the Symphony Orchestra will live up to its trust to fully support SZPT’s aesthetic education in the new era and the new journey, as well as the talent training of music performance and other art majors, give full play to the advantages of the Orchestra’s system, talents and brand, promote the connection between majors and cultural sectors in respect of talent demand, innovate on the talent training mode, jointly form a team of famous aesthetic education teachers with the combination of experts, carry out the normal introduction of elegant art into the campus, and work together to create a highland for art talent training and elegant art dissemination in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the new area, and make contributions to Shenzhen in build a civilized model city.

Xu Jianling said that in 2020, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the “Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving the Aesthetic Education of Schools in the New Era”, which requires carrying forward the Chinese spirit of aesthetic education, foster talents through aesthetic education, incorporating aesthetic education into the whole course of talent training at all kinds of schools, further reinforcing the function of aesthetic education to train talents at schools, constructing an education system for all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor education, and further highlighting the value function of aesthetic education. The strategic cooperation between SZPT and Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra is a new starting point for “complementary advantages, resource sharing, mutual benefit and coordinated development” between the two sides. In the strategic opportunity period of comprehensively promoting the high-quality development of vocational education, SZPT needs to deploy the aesthetic education system in a higher position, at a higher level and by a more comprehensive and systematic way.

At the ceremony, the two sides signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Nie Bing was appointed as a visiting professor of SZPT.

(Text/Xu Hang, School of Education; Image/ Zhang Lei, Department of Publicity)


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