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Future Africa: China-Africa Applied Talents Joint Training Program - Student Symposium on “An Appointment with Party Secretary” Held Smoothly

Date: Mar 23, 2023


SZPT leaders held a student symposium on “An Appointment with Party Secretary”

On March 23, Yang Xinbin, Secretary of the Party Committee, presided over the Future Africa: China-Africa Applied Talents Joint Training Program - Student Symposium on “An Appointment with Party Secretary” in Houde Building, Xilihu Campus. Director Koko and Director Amari, faculty representatives of Ivorian National Polytechnic for Science and Technology, 24 students of Ivorian National Polytechnic for Science and Technology, as well as representatives of SZPT departments, including the International Office, Academic Affairs Office, Logistics & Infrastructure Office, Security Office, Student Affairs Office, Education Information Center, School of Construction Engineering, etc., attended the symposium.

Before the symposium began, Yang Xinbin, together with the teachers and students, watched a wonderful review film of campus life, and presented the students with sports shoes and sports clothes offered by the Security Office, and Chinese reading materials offered by the International Office, encouraging the students to actively participate in sports activities and strengthen their Chinese learning during the stay at SZPT.

At the symposium, Yang Xinbin kindly inquired the students how they felt about their life and study after two weeks in Shenzhen. Several students actively shared their feelings. Abouyo shared said that at first he felt unknown and afraid about coming to China and that he would not be able to adapt to the study and life here. However, after seeing the teachers at the airport, his worries are relieved. The good care from SZPT teachers and students makes him feel like a family member. Although there are still some barriers in communication, he feels very happy every day.

Yang Xinbin asked the students three questions: “is it your first time to come to China”, “what kind of China you imagined before coming to China” and “your plan after returning to Cote d’Ivoire”. The students answered enthusiastically. Conde replied that it was the first time for them to come to China. Before coming to China, they had searched the Internet and learned that Shenzhen is a modern metropolis. However, after arriving in Shenzhen, they found that the modernization of the city was far beyond their imagination. They hope to learn expertise during the stay at SZPT, bring the best technology and the most cutting-edge knowledge back to the motherland, and contribute their own strength to the development of the motherland.

In the end, Yang Xinbin made four requirements to the students: first, activelywalk around to learn more about the history, culture and characteristics of Chinese architecture; second, take a serious attitude in learning expertise, and lay a solid foundation; third, keep abreast of the development trends of science and technology in the future, and learn to combine digital technology with their own professional field; fourth, learn Chinese language for a better understanding of Chinese culture, and serve as the ambassadorforpromotion of Chinese culture and the ambassador for friendship between China and Cote d’Ivoire. (Li Simin, International Office)


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