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3 Golds, 7 Silvers, and 6 Bronzes! A Record-Breaking Achievement!

Date: May 21, 2024

From May 18th to 19th,

the final evaluation of the 14th "Challenge Cup · ICBC Guangzhou"

Entrepreneurship Competition for Guangdong College Students

took place at South China Agricultural University.

Our university had16 projects advance to the provincial competition,

with10 making it to the final evaluation.

Ultimately, our students won3 golds,7 silvers, and6 bronzes,

setting a new record for total awards.

Our overall score ranked first among all vocational colleges in the province

and was among the top for undergraduate universities.

About the “Challenge Cup”

This year's "Challenge Cup" was themed “Cultivating New Quality Productivity, Youth Entrepreneurship Building Dreams for the Millions” and included projects across five major areas: technological innovation and future industries, rural revitalization and agricultural modernization, ecological civilization and green low-carbon development, cultural creativity and regional cooperation, and social governance and public services. Since its launch, the competition saw participation from 157 universities, with 34,000 projects and over 100,000 students at the provincial and university levels, both record-breaking numbers. After rigorous evaluations, 524 projects from 124 universities stood out and competed in the final round.

(Overview of Our Award-Winning Teams)

Cultivating New Quality Productivity,

Youth Entrepreneurship Building Dreams for the Millions

Follow along with our official WeChat account

and experience the youthful charm of the "Challenge Cup" gold-winning teams.

01 Technological Innovation and Future Industries: Underwater Detective- Bridge Safety Inspection Robot

Team Members:Gao Bing, Yang Jiawen, Luo Rongyi, Yue Yang, Xu Zitao, Deng Li, Chen Shuya, Wu Bingzhu, Deng Baiqin, Zeng Mei

Instructors:Wang Jingzhe, Liu Kaiwei, Guan Minglei

Project Introduction:

The bridge safety inspection robot, also known as the “Underwater Detective”, features two core sensors independently developed by the team, including underwater sonar differential locators and underwater 3D laser scanners. It also incorporates GNSS receivers, underwater altimeters, Doppler loggers, and an inertial navigation system. The robot is a specialized inspection device, based on tethered underwater unmanned submersible, designed to solve the issues of low efficiency, high error rates, and high costs in traditional marine engineering inspections. It aims to maintain bridge safety and support the construction of a maritime power. The robot aspires to be China's top bridge inspection expert.

Team Reflections:

As the provincial finals of “Challenge Cup” have just concluded, we are set to embark on a new journey. Through gradual accumulation, we can eventually reach the summit. Our team is one that fosters inclusivity, providing us with an environment to hone our abilities. Throughout countless days and nights of preparation, we persisted, attending classes during the day and preparing at night. We've seen the school playground under the moonlight at two or three in the morning, witnessed the sunrise at six, yet we managed to balance our academic commitments with the competition. In a single night, we could make 127 revisions to our content, constantly refining and improving. Fearless of adversity, our relentless persistence has forged the achievements we see today. This, perhaps, is the essence of youth. Youth knows no fear of challenges nor adversity. It is often not our abilities, but our character and approach towards life that determine our limits. As we gaze upon the vast world from the peaks of mountains and along distant roads, we should also embark on a journey to discover ourselves. May we all venture to further places, becoming better individuals along the way!

02 Technological Innovation and Future Industries: Innovative Automotive Chips

Team Members:Lin Chengkai, Luo Miaosen, Liu Cihai, Peng Lu, Zhang Rongcan, Li Xin, Li Xingye, Ye Xuqi

Instructors:Xue Yan, Du Zhonghui, Yu Fei

Project Introduction:

This project addresses the industrialization challenges of automotive MCU chips with innovative design technologies. The team independently developed three core technologies: electrostatic prevention design, signal filtering, and frame synchronization systems. These innovations solve the low yield, poor reliability, and insufficient processing speed of current domestic automotive MCU chips. The chip has successfully completed small-scale production and passed performance tests by third-party professional institutions.

Team Reflections:

From the campus competition last December to the provincial competition in May, our half-year journey involved numerous project refinements, late-night material revisions, and mock presentations. Despite numerous difficulties, our team remained united and motivated, consistently supported and encouraged by our project instructors and the school committee. During this competition, we had the opportunity to witness excellent projects from different universities in Guangdong Province and learn about the most advanced technologies and products currently available in the market. The "Challenge Cup" provided an excellent platform for self-improvement, as well as for learning and exchange. Moving forward, we are committed to the field of automotive MCU chips, aiming to meet and lead the development of the industry with our unique technology.

03 Rural Revitalization and Agricultural Modernization: Litchi Pioneer

Team Members:Li Yuan, Li Yehong, He Chang, Yuan Xiaoyu, Hong Zhiyin, Fan Rong, Xiao Mingjie, Liu Jiaxin, Luo Hui

Instructors:Wu Yeqin, Duan Jiexin, Tan Lixi

Expert Team: Qiao Fang, Zhang Shufei

Project Introduction: Focused on becoming a pioneer in the premium fresh litchi industry, this project addresses the challenges of scarce litchi genetic resources, outdated farming techniques, and low farmer organization in the litchi industry. The team has strengthened joint research on varieties and pioneered a new three-in-one cooperative model, integrating customized, specialized, and digitalized farming and management services to address the aforementioned issues, facilitating the modernization of traditional agriculture and providing new momentum for rural revitalization.

Team Reflections:

Our team has experienced a journey from scratch in the litchi industry. We have visited litchi plantations over 30 times, discussing the challenges of litchi cultivation with farmers. Alongside experts from the National Litchi Longan Industrial Technology System, we have promoted high-quality new varieties and advanced cultivation techniques, helping over 100 litchi farmers upgrade their varieties and innovate their techniques. In the process, we have also experimented with innovative marketing models. Through this project, we have not only gained knowledge and experience but also enhanced our problem-solving skills and team collaboration spirit. Moreover, as part of the "Double Hundred" action team, we have pooled our efforts to explore feasible paths and successful cases for the development of special industries, agriculture, culture, and tourism. We deeply feel that rural revitalization is more than just a slogan; it involves the relentless dedication and hard work of every practitioner concerned with the "three rural" issues. No challenge, no youth. We are grateful to the school for providing us with the research platform and resources and to our mentors for their guidance and support! On the future road, we hope to join more young university students in contributing our wisdom and writing a brilliant chapter of rural revitalization, making our contribution to the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

By leveraging the"Challenge Cup" competition,

our university fosters students'innovative thinking and entrepreneurial skills,

encouraging enthusiasm for invention,

teamwork spirit,

and social responsibility.

Our unique "education through competition" mechanism

has been developed through continuous practice.

Early Preparation for Competitive Edge

To select and nurture outstanding projects for the 14th “Challenge Cup”, the university launched the "Innovation Project" application notice in July last year. Supported by the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the university’s Youth League Committee provided one-on-one presentations to key colleges and research institutions. This thorough explanation of the competition mechanism mobilized internal resources, resulting in over 100 project applications. Experts selected 50 projects based on their foundation and potential, with the university’s Youth League Committee allocating special funds for project development, leading to an intense preparation phase.

Comprehensive Guidance and Meticulous Support

The university’s Youth League Committee has invited industry experts, corporate executives, and university professors from five key fields - technological innovation and future industries, rural revitalization and agricultural modernization, ecological civilization and green low-carbon development, cultural creativity and regional cooperation, and social governance and public services - to form a guidance expert pool. These experts provide continuous support and follow-up guidance for the selected projects. Throughout the various stages of preparation, from the campus competition, provincial online review, to the provincial final, we have implemented phased expert guidance models, including one-on-one, many-to-many, and mock presentations, ensuring that each project receives constant guidance and comprehensive support.

Emphasizing Transformation and Demonstrating Responsibility

Under the unified deployment of the Provincial Youth League Committee, all participating teams from our university registered as members of the “Hundred-Thousand-Ten-Thousand Project” Youth Action Team through the “Hundred-Thousand-Ten-Thousand School-Local Connection” mini-program. Leveraging their technological and business model advantages, they addressed the high-quality development needs of counties to achieve practical implementation and transformation. The "Litchi Pioneer" team, for instance, established a demonstration garden for new litchi varieties in Shangda Village, Ketang Town, Haifeng County, Shanwei City. By adopting new digital agricultural planting methods, they replanted 2,835 litchi trees with the new variety “Fengshan Red Lantern”, creating employment for 53 villagers and increasing each household’s income by an average of RMB 15,000. During the final competition, representatives from various counties (cities) visited our exhibition booths and engaged in collaboration discussions. These daring and innovative young professionals from our university brought their expertise and creativity to the fields, contributing to the “Hundred-Thousand-Ten-Thousand Project” with their youthful energy.

Embrace Challenges, Embrace Youth

After nearly a year of diligent preparation by the instructors and team members, our university’s ten projects stood out from the 34,000 entries from 157 institutions across the province, making it to the final round. When the notification of advancing to the finals arrived just before the May Day holiday, our team members and faculties voluntarily gave up their vacation to refine project materials, design exhibition boards, and conduct mock presentations. Their enthusiasm and dedication during the preparation period exemplified the spirit of "having ideals, being responsible, enduring hardship, and striving to excel." On the grand stage of the "Challenge Cup" final on May 18, our university’s youth showcased their wisdom and strength with calmness and confidence, ultimately winning 3 gold, 7 silver, and 6 bronze awards.

“No Challenge, No Youth”

“Embrace Challenges, Embrace Youth”

Looking forward to the next challenge,

we hope our university’s youth

will continue to write their stories of challenge and success!


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