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Inauguration of Distinguished Research Fellow in Academic and International Affairs, Prof. Claudio Roberto Boër

Date: May 29, 2024

On the afternoon of May 29, the inauguration of Distinguished Research Fellow in Academic and International Affairs, Prof. Claudio Roberto Boër, along with an academic lecture, was successfully held in the lecture hall of the library at Liuxiandong Campus. The event was attended by Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and President Xu Jianling, Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office Wang Bingfeng, Vice Dean of the School of Future Technology Liao Qianghua, and Vice Dean of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Wang Wenbin. The ceremony was hosted by Vice President Li Yue.

President Xu Jianling presented the appointment certificate to Prof. Claudio Roberto Boër.

The event was divided into two parts: the appointment ceremony and the academic lecture. During the appointment ceremony, Xu Jianling expressed sincere gratitude and high expectations for Professor Boër, stating, "Professor Boër’s joining will bring new vitality and opportunities for our school's academic research, international exchange, and cooperation." In his speech, Professor Boër expressed heartfelt thanks for the invitation and looked forward to future collaborations.

Professor Boër interacting with students.

Following the ceremony, Professor Boër delivered an academic lecture titled “Product and Process Design: Cases of Swiss Innovation and Sustainable Development”, where he thoroughly analyzed the innovative practices and sustainable development strategies of the Swiss precision manufacturing industry during the energy transition. He emphasized that engineers must possess diverse knowledge structures and a variety of design tools in product design and production processes, illustrating the continuous advancement of engineering technology through the digital revolution. He highlighted the importance of innovation in technology, products, marketing, and markets, urging everyone to maintain a spirit of innovation at all times.

The appointment of Professor Boër marks a significant achievement in the university's academic and internationalization efforts. As a university dedicated to international education, we have established cooperative relationships with 194 institutions across 42 countries and regions. His addition will further promote in-depth development in academic research and international cooperation, enhancing the university's international reputation and academic standing.

Professor Claudio R. Boër, former Vice Chairman of the Board of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, former Director of the Research and Vocational Education Department at the Swiss Federal Government's Science and Technology Cultural Center, and Honorary Fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), has made outstanding contributions in the fields of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS). His research spans multiple areas of manufacturing engineering, including metal cutting, forming, flexible manufacturing system planning and simulation, and the application of virtual reality technology in industry. Professor Boër actively participates in international cooperation projects, promoting high-tech collaborations between China, the EU, and Switzerland. His publications include several professional books and over 200 academic papers, significantly impacting both academia and industry. (Huang Qingyu, International Exchange and Cooperation Office)


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