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Three Research Bases of Guangdong Social Sciences Association Inaugurated

Date: Nov 23, 2023

On November 21, three research bases of Guangdong Social Sciences Association, including “SZPU Research Center for Integrated Innovation and Development of Culture and Tourism in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area”, “SZPU Research Center for Digital Creative Sectors in Guangdong” and “SZPU Research Center for Literature in Shenzhen”, were inaugurated at our university. He Fangjun, Second-Level Inspector of Guangdong Social Sciences Association, Fan Weijun, Member of Party Group & Vice President (Vice Chairman) of Shenzhen Academy of Social Sciences, and Yang Xinbin, Secretary of Party Committee of SZPU, attended the unveiling ceremony.

Yang Xinbin said in his speech that the university attaches great importance to the research of humanities and social sciences, from the perspective of taking root in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and serving the needs of economic and social development, keenly grasps the development trend of social science research, and strives to build a social science system with the characteristics of China’s vocational education. The university has set up a number of physical research institutes, such as Research Center for Literature in Shenzhen, and Institute of Economic and Social Development, and has achieved a range of landmark achievements such as the Award for Short Stories in the 8th (2018-2021) Lu Xun Literature Prize. In July 2022, the university established the first social science association of colleges and universities in Shenzhen to vigorously support various humanities and social science activities. In July this year, the three platforms were selected into the research bases of Guangdong Social Sciences Association at the same time, marking a new level of humanities and social science research at the university. Yang Xinbin said that we will bear in mind our responsibilities and missions, enhance our capabilities, and support the three platforms in creating high-level research results, so as to contribute to the improvement of quality and efficiency of humanities and social sciences research in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

Among them, the “SZPU Research Center for Integrated Innovation and Development of Culture and Tourism in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area” focuses on the integration of cultural and tourism in the Greater Bay Area, the revitalization of rural areas in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, and the innovative development of tourism and leisure industries, providing strong support for accelerating the integration of cultural and tourism in the Greater Bay Area and helping to build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area into a world-class tourism destination. Adhering to the core concept of “cultural creativity + data technology + industrial integration”, the “SZPU Research Center for Digital Creative Sectors in Guangdong” is committed to the research on the industrial ecological chain of “cultural creativity + digital technology”, and strives to play an active role in enhancing the voice and influence of digital creative sectors in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. “SZPU Research Center for Literature in Shenzhen” is based on the study of local literature in Shenzhen. It is a comprehensive research platform integrating the cultivation and development of “Shenzhen School” and the training of young scholars in Shenzhen, and also the first Shenzhen literature collation and dissemination platform in China, playing an important academic supporting role in telling the story of Shenzhen well and thriving “Shenzhen School”.

At the meeting, He Fangjun, on behalf of the Guangdong Social Sciences Association, read the approval documents for the bases, while the participating leaders and heads of the bases unveiled the three bases successively.

(Huang Shiping, Office of Scientific Research)


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