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The Exchange and Research Activities between Students from School of Electronic and Communication Engineering and Institute of Technical Education Concluded Successfully

Date: Oct 10, 2023

Recently, the visit of 34 teachers and students fromthe Institute of Technical Education (ITE) for exchange and research activities at the School of Electronic and Communication Engineering was concluded successfully.

At the opening ceremony, Song Rong, Dean of School of Electronic and Communication Engineering, on behalf of all the teachers and students, extended a warm welcome to the teachers and students from the Institute of Technical Education. He introduced the general situation of the school, including the vision and mission, the school-running advantages, the construction situation and other aspects.

During the two-week event, the School of Electronic and Communication Engineering arranged a wealth of professional knowledge learning and cultural exchange activities for the teachers and students from the Institute of Technical Education. The visiting teachers and students learned mobile communication technology, data communication technology, integrated circuit technology, object-oriented programming and other contents, and participated in the activities of “Encouraging the soul, embracing happiness”, “Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival,hand-made mooncake and coffee”,visit to Huaqiang North Electronic Products Exhibition, etc. In addition, they also visited Tencent, Unicom, Huawei and other cooperative enterprises together with teachers and students of our university.

This event promoted the mutual understanding among SZPU, School of Electronic and Communication Engineering, and Institute of Technical Education, enhanced the relationship between the teachers and students of the two sides, stimulated the interest of teachers and students in innovative practice through international cooperation, aroused their enthusiasm for learning, cultivated the open and inclusive learning consciousness of teachers and students, and expanded the external influence of SZPU and School of Electronic and Communication Engineering. (Yi Zhenzhen, School of Electronic and Communication Engineering)


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