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SZPT Held the 2023 Graduation Ceremony for 8,355 Graduates to Start a New Journey

Date: Jun 14, 2023

The graduation ceremony was held at Xili Lake Gymnasium

When the song of graduationbegan, 8,355 SZPT graduates were still in high spirit; instead of expressing the sadness of parting, they sincerely said “take care” to each other, and with full harvest, bid farewell to the college life and was ready to start a new journey of life.

On June 13-16, SZPT held four consecutive graduation ceremonies for graduates (2023) in Xili Lake Campus Gymnasium. It is learnt that this year, SZPT had a total of 8,355 graduates, among whom, 34 won the national scholarships, 20 won the international competition awards, 25 won the national skills competition awards, 231 won the provincial skills competition awards, and 39 won the China International “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. In the International Genetically Engineered Machine competition, SZPT students continued to win the global gold medal.

Forge ahead and pursue dreams bravely

This year’s graduation ceremony was divided into four sessions, and college leaders presented graduation certificates to the graduates one by one. Yang Xinbin, Party Secretary of SZPT; Xu Jianling, Deputy Party Secretary & President of SZPT; Wang Hui, Deputy Party Secretary & Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection; Li Yue, Li Xiaoyuan and Zhang Zuotai, Vice Presidents of SZPT; Wang Jingxia, Professor from the School of Electronic and Communication Engineering; Wei Hongying, Professor from the School of Management; He Ping, Professor from the School of Automotive and Transportation Engineering; Xia Weichao, Professor from the School of Economics; heads of secondary schools and functional divisions, graduating class counselors, teacher representatives, guard representatives, canteen service representatives, dormitory administrator representatives, cleaning staff representatives, and graduates (2023) attended the graduation ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Vice President Dong Chaojun.

The ceremony opened with a solemn national anthem

Yang Xinbin and attending professors presented awards to outstanding graduates

The ceremony opened with the solemn national anthem. First of all, it introduced the situation of this year’s graduates and announced the decision to commend outstanding graduates. Yang Xinbin and attending professors presented awards to outstanding graduates. The representatives of graduates and teachers made enthusiastic speeches respectively.

Liu Yuhui, representative of graduates, made a speech

Cao Jie, representative of teachers and from the School of Foreign Languages and Business, made a speech

The representatives of graduates presented flowers to the representatives of teachers and logistic service staff

Then, the representatives of graduates presented flowers to the representatives of teachers, counselors, medical staff, security guards, canteen service staff, dormitory staff and cleaning staff, thanking them for their hard work, thanking them for not asking for anything in return, and thanking them for their earnest instructions.

Xu Jianling made a speech entitled “Forging Ahead in the New Era to Pursue a New Journey of Dreams”

At the ceremony, Xu Jianling made a speech entitled “Forging Ahead in the New Era to Pursue a New Journey of Dreams”. He said that the past three years were the best time in the life of SZPT students, which is unforgettable because of those beautiful moments. He congratulated the students on winning gold and silver medals in various competitions at all levels and creating their own “SZPT glory” with impressive achievements one after another. He said that the past three years were a critical period for the development of the country and the college, which is inspiring because of those hard moments. At present, the college is making great strides toward the development goal of building a world-class higher vocational college with Chinese characteristics. On the new journey, SZPT talents who strive for self-improvement will surely work together to create greater brilliance. He said that the past three years were an important node for students to start a new life, which isworth anticipating because of those fresh elements. Xu Jianling put forward four expectations for graduates: First, establish new aspirations. He hoped that the students would think carefully and plan their life before entering the society, and strive to pursue a lofty ideological realm and life goals. Second, have a new look. He hoped that the students would cherish the good time of youth, keep healthy, optimistic, confident, upward style, not afraid of hardships or difficulties, and forge ahead to outline the appearance of their dreams. Third, take on a new mission. He hoped that the students would integrate themself into the motherland, and let youth bloom in the fiery practice of building a strong country. Fourth, show new achievements. He hoped that the students would practice their skills, increase their ability, and live a wonderful life with real achievements.

Thereafter, SZPT leaders presented graduation certificates to all graduates and took a group photo. The students in new graduation dresses entered the venue in turn, shook hands with SZPT leaders who had been contributing for their study and life, and received the graduation certificates and extended qualifications that symbolized their efforts and achievements of the past three years, drawing a successful end to their three years in SZPT!

In the song of “Ode to the Motherland”, the first session of the graduation ceremony for graduates (2023) came to a successful end. The remaining three sessions will be held onJune14-16.

Setsail for dreams in full bloom of youth

It is learnt that during this year’s graduation season, with the theme of “Forging ahead in a new era and pursuing a new journey for dreams”, SZPT carried out a variety of themed activities to serve as the “last lesson” for all graduates.

In the exhibition area outside the graduation ceremony, eachschool displayed students’ campus life photos, design works, and honors, showing the happy life, hard work and glory in the SZPT time.

The students faced the camera happily: we have graduated!

Throughout the graduation season, functional departments and secondary schools held various themed activities, creating their unique graduation atmosphere for the entire 2023 graduation season. The Office of Student Affairs organized themed activities such as the selection and commendation of outstanding graduates and the symposium of graduate representatives. The Alumni Association organized activities such as “Thank You for Youth Time” graduation confession collections, electronic alumni cards and publicity activities. The Alumni Association, Library, and School of Digital Creation and Animation jointly organized the “Shenzhen Image” graduation season photography exhibition. The School of Electronic and Communication Engineering organized the graduation themed luncheon of “Listen to your heart and grow together”. The School of Artificial Intelligence organized the themed event of “Five years of hard work for a promising future”. The School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering organized the graduation season online flea market. The School of Economics organized the video collection activity of “I grow together with SZPT”. The School of Communication organized the “Encounter” farewell activity. The School of Foreign Languages and Business organized the most beautiful smile collection activity of “Beautiful Smile and Happiness in SZPT”. The School of Materials and Environmental Engineering organized the graduation season tristich activity. The School of Construction Engineering and the School of Digital Creation and Animation organized the donation activity for graduates respectively. The School of Food and Drug organized the activity of “Continuation and Preservation”. The School of Automotive and Transportation Engineering organized the graduation postcard activity. The School of Medical Technology and Nursing organized the “Wonderful Medical Road” thank-you message activity for graduates. The School of Education organized the Spring Art Season · Dance Troupe “Yi Wu” dance performance activity…

Each secondary school also organized the last graduate sharing meeting, the graduate theme class meeting, and the last Party lesson for graduates during the graduation season. The colorful featured activities allowed the graduates once again to be grateful for encounter, add the last touch of color to theirstudy in SZPT, and continue to ride the waves on the track of youth.

(Text/Gan Licong, Office of Student Affairs; Image/Zhang Lei, Department of Publicity)


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