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Shenzhen Polytechnic University Adds 10 New Undergraduate Degree Vocational Programs, Totaling 16!

Date: May 10, 2024

Recently, the Office of the Ministry of Education announced the approval of 188 new vocational bachelor’s degree programs set for enrollment in 2024. Among them, Shenzhen Polytechnic University’s proposed programs in Integrated Circuit Engineering Technology, Software Engineering Technology, Automation Technology and Applications, Mechatronic Engineering Technology, Big Data Engineering Technology, Intelligent Connected Vehicle Engineering Technology, Pharmaceutical Engineering Technology, New Materials and Application Technology, Industrial Design, and Nursing have all been approved. Together with the six programs initiated in 2023 - Electronic Information Engineering Technology, Modern Communication Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Engineering Technology, Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Technology, New Energy Vehicle Engineering Technology, and Digital Animation—the university now offers a total of 16 bachelor’s degree programs.

Optimizing Program Layout to Serve Shenzhen's Key Industries

Vocational education must precisely serve national strategic needs, urban development missions, and regional industrial upgrades. As a flagship of China's vocational education, the university consistently supports the national development strategy and Guangdong's strategy of leading in manufacturing. It continuously perfects mechanisms for synchronizing program offerings with regional industrial development. The university’s 16 undergraduate and 86 associate degree programs align perfectly with Shenzhen’s “20+8” industrial clusters, forming an integrated development pattern with Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area’s educational, talent, innovation, and industrial chains.

SZPU's 16 undergraduate programs and 86 junior college programs align perfectly with the “20+8” industrial clusters in Shenzhen, reaching a compatibility rate of 100%.

SZPU has developed a vocational bachelor’s degree program plan based on the principles of "quality first, rational layout, demand adaptation, and steady development." It has prioritized establishing new majors in urgently needed industry clusters such as next-generation information technology and high-end equipment manufacturing, and timely developing cutting-edge interdisciplinary subjects. By 2030, the school plans to offer 45 bachelor’s degree programs, creating a comprehensive system primarily focused on engineering, but also encompassing arts, economics, and management disciplines. This system is designed to support and develop in coordination, facilitating the transition from predominantly offering associate degrees to primarily offering bachelor's degrees.

Innovative Training Models to Cultivate Highly Skilled Talents

Undergraduate-level vocational education signifies the pinnacle, high starting point, and high standards of vocational education. In terms of talent cultivation models, it inevitably presents distinct characteristics from vocational education at the junior college level and conventional undergraduate education. The university adheres to the characteristics of “vocational”, the features of “undergraduate”, and the goals of “high standard” innovating undergraduate education concepts and teaching models. It follows the logic of industry demand and job competency orientation, exploring the establishment of a talent cultivation model characterized by "technology-driven, product-oriented, integration of theory and practice, and competency-based." This model aims to cultivate high-level, compound technical and skilled talents who understand technology, grasp principles, innovate, and adapt to the development needs of new productive forces.

SZPU has organized and promoted the pilot reform of vocational undergraduate talent cultivation by establishing the School of Undergraduate Education and the School of Future Technology. Among these, the School of Future Technology is implementing reforms in interdisciplinary integration of disciplines and project-based teaching. It strengthens the organic integration of technology, business, and humanities education, establishing a project-based curriculum system that deeply integrates science, engineering, design, and humanities. This aims to cultivate innovative talents in hard technology with technical expertise, business insight, and leadership.

In 2023, SZPU's vocational undergraduate talent cultivation received widespread attention as the first batch of six programs achieved an excellent start. The image depicts the scene of the first undergraduate student registration.

SZPU's vocational undergraduate programs garnered significant attention from society. In 2023, the inaugural enrollment of six programs marked a remarkable achievement. Among these, the lowest admission score for the physics program surpassed the undergraduate control line by 116 points and the special control line by 16 points. SZPU 's physics program admission line ranked 11th among higher education institutions in Guangdong Province.

Deepening the integration of industry and education while highlighting the characteristics of vocational education is crucial.

The integration of industry and education serves as the fundamental operational model of vocational education. It enhances the adaptability of vocational education, accelerates the establishment of a modern vocational education system, and serves as a vital lever for cultivating a greater number of high-quality technical talents, skilled artisans, and leading craftsmen for the nation.

Undergraduate Program List of SZPU


Undergraduate Program Name

Industry Focus

Year of Establishment


Integrated Circuit Engineering Technology

Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry



Software Engineering Technology

Software and Information Services Industry


Automation Technology and Applications

High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industry


Mechanical Electronic Engineering Technology

High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industry


Big Data Engineering Technology

Software and Information Services Industry


Intelligent Connected Vehicle Engineering Technology

Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry


Pharmaceutical Engineering Technology

Biopharmaceutical Industry


New Materials and Applications Technology

New Materials Industry


Industrial Design

Digital Creative Industry



Health Industry


Electronic Information Engineering Technology

Intelligent Terminal Industry



Modern Communication Engineering

Network and Communication Industry


Artificial Intelligence Engineering Technology

Artificial Intelligence Industry


Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Technology

Intelligent Manufacturing Industry


New Energy Vehicle Engineering Technology

New Energy Vehicle Industry


Digital Animation

Digital Creative Industry



Undergraduate Program Overview:

SZPU firmly grasps the direction of vocational education, implementing a comprehensive strategy of integrating education, science, and talent. It vigorously promotes the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation, and explores new pathways to support the development of new productive forces. The university actively constructs an ecologically diverse integration platform for industry and education. It has jointly established 18 characteristic industry schools with leading companies such as BYD and co-built the nation's first ICT School Support Center with Huawei. The university, leading the establishment of the Shenzhen Regional Industry-Education Integration Alliance, has been selected as one of the first regional industry-education integration alliances in the country. It has explored and formed a "nine cooperation" school-enterprise dual-subject talent cultivation model, including jointly carrying out party building activities, jointly developing professional and curriculum standards, jointly establishing high-level dual-teacher teams, jointly setting up research and development centers, jointly formulating industry standards, jointly developing vocational qualification certificates, jointly conducting innovation and entrepreneurship education, jointly serving common prosperity, and jointly "going global".

(Department of Academic Affairs Wang Jun / Text; Department of Propaganda Zhang Lei / Image; School Media Center Liu Shuangran / Graphic)


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